Tuesday, April 15, 2008

And I thought Alabama was redneck....

As soon as my brother-in-law, Mike, came to help work on our new house, he started trying to explain to us about where we are living now. He used to live in TN, so I guess he already knew. We always thought it was pretty funny that we could count several trucks up on cinder blocks on the road to our house. Mike just kept saying, "Y'all don't understand where you moved to!" Well, I finally have begun to see the truth of what he's been saying. This is what I saw one morning in front of my house.

I know it may be hard to see (and to believe), but there are horses, no acutally it was donkeys, pulling these "carriages." As you can see, the "carriage" in the back was made from what looks to be like the chairs from those motorized wheelchairs. And I couldn't tell what the other one was made out of. In all my years in AL, I've never seen anything like that. So TN, you beat AL when it comes to true hicks.

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