Sunday, February 17, 2013

Christmas in February

Yeah, that's how behind I am.  I haven't even blogged about Christmas. It's been busy and sick around here (found out my little bitty man has asthma like his mom, sad).  Anyway, Christmas. It was a nice time with family and not too overboard for the kiddos, get to focus more on Christ's birthday that way. I like it.  Trying to decide about some traditions to start next year with M, since he'll be older, to teach him early about the true meaning.

Still do my traditional giving through baking. I love this, something I learned from my mom - spreading the Christmas Joy by baking homemade things for folks in the community like mail carriers, sanitation workers, etc. 

And of course, it's nice to have leftovers ;) cranberry white chocolate chip cookies, yum!

Shhh, don't tell his daddy he likes playing with ribbon.

And the Guntersville Christmas parade...
My crazy child was mesmerized by all the city's firetrucks' sirens going off at once!

A Mickey bath toy in his stocking. Needless to say, we are a bit obsessed with Mickey Mouse. It's the only thing he will sit and watch longer than a few minutes (an entire episode!).
Christmas brunch - fruit salad, bacon and cheese quiche, sausage and grits casserole, and mini monkey bread
Presents for Nana and MeMe 

His own recliner from Gramps and Nana.

 It was kind of nice doing that so late, get to relive it when all the dust has settled! I just realized I haven't blogged about the new equine addition to our ministry! I have been so excited about it, I assumed I told the world, so that's next!