Tuesday, April 1, 2008

100 Random Facts About Me

Well, I was tagged by Scott Moore to list 100 interesting facts about myself. I don't know how interesting they will be, but here goes...

1. I've known that I wanted to be a counselor since I was 14 years old.
2. Before that I wanted to be an architect, and I used to draw houseplans when I was in 4th grade.
3. I still enjoy looking at house plans and decorating houses.
4. I am an animal nut, especially about dogs and horses. I cry in movies when an animal gets hurt or dies, but not necessarily when a person does.
5. I have a wonderful 6 year old Boxer named Rocky who has slept with me since he was a tiny puppy, and I trained him in German.
6. The town I grew up in (Guntersville, AL) was founded by one of my distant relatives which is why my Maiden name is Gunter.
7. I had a brother, Brent, who died of luekemia, and if he hadn't my parents wouldn't have had me because they only wanted two children.
8. I also have an older sister, Leah, who is 6 1/2 years older than me. She used to dress me up in stupid outfits when I was little and we used to not get along very well, but now we're very close.
9. My first nephew is going to be born within a few weeks. His name is going to be Caiden Brent which is only one letter different than my brother's (Carden Brent).
10. I have the cutest step-neice, Anna, who is the only reason I know who Hannah Montana is.
11. I had a crush on my husband for a year or so before we actually started dating.
12. I met Scott Moore when I started going to First Baptist Church, and he got me involved in a wonderful older group of friends called the Cuzes. He chauffered me around because I was only 15. This is how I met my husband, Joey. So thanks Scott!
13. My husband graduated from college the same year I graduated from high school.
14. I am a huge Kentucky fan even though all of my family are an Alabama fans. I started following Kentucky basketball in middle school, and it intensified from there.
15. I started talking about "Jesus coming into my heart" when I was 4, but I talked to my pastor and made a public profession of faith when I was 7.
16. I have only worn the color pink one time in my life. I hate to wear pink and I look horrible in it.
17. I started swimming competitively when I was 5 years old.
18. I won first in the state in breast stroke when I was 10.
19. My first job was when I was 16 as a lifeguard and assistant swim coach at the local recreation department.
20. I only had to save one kid from drowning in the 3 years I worked there. He went down the slide in the deep end and couldn't swim, not smart.
21. I have also worked at Marshall County Department of Human Resources, supervising visitations between parents and their children and inspecting families' homes.
22. I drive a huge, lifted F-250 diesel truck.
23. My favorite drink is cherry coke, and Sonic has the best.
24. We just bought our first house and are in the process of renovating it.
25. I would love to vacation in Montana, Wyoming, or Colorado.
26. I blew my knee out when I was 15 in a basketball game and had to have my ACL replaced, so I couldn't play basketball for half of that season.
27. One of my favorite country artists is Clint Black.
28. I listen to different kinds of music, and my husband hates that.
29. I really love old country, new country, old and new alternative, and classic rock.
30. I love to read, especially books on psychology, Christian fiction, and suspense novels.
31. I also love coffee, especially Starbucks, so the Barnes & Nobles that have Starbucks in them are wonderful places.
32. I have been blessed to witness two friends who were Atheists come to know Christ.
33. Since I was in middle school, I have always had a guy as one of my best friends.
34. I once dressed up like the Blues Brothers with a friend and danced for a talent show.
35. I can play one song on the bass guitar - Last Kiss by Pearl Jam
36. I almost always sing to the radio when I know the words to the song.
37. I have a thing for cowboys and rednecks.
38. But I really have a thing for red-headed rednecks who look like Brett Favre (a lot of people say my husband looks like Brett Favre and he's also definitely a red-headed redneck).
39. I am allergic to a lot of things - all types of nuts, pollen, animals I'm not used to, and hay.
40. I've been hospitalized for my asthma before when it got so bad because of all the pollen one spring.
41. I played soccer in college at Shorter College in Rome, GA. I was a goalie.
42. My sister is a social worker who just got her license to practice counseling, so we want to open up a private practice together one day.
43. My nickname was Ghetto in high school because I have a "Ghetto booty."
44. In ninth and tenth grade, I could bench press more than the the guys on the J.V. basketball team.
45. I threw the shotput and diskus in high school.
46. I loved planning my wedding and would be a wedding planner if I weren't going to be a counselor.
47. My husband is a Mr. Fix-it, acts like Tim the Tool Man Taylor on Home Improvement and also has the last name Taylor.
48. Tim's wife, Jill, on Home Improvement studies to become a counselor, like me! I hope our similarities to this family don't mean we are going to have 3 boys!!
49. I love hospital-type T.V. dramas. I am loyal to House, ER, and sometimes Grey's Anatomy.
50. I have been watching Days of Our Lives since I was in middle school.
51. I also currently love watching American Idol (especially David Cook and Michael Johns) LOST, and The Dog Whisperer.
52. I have loved school and academia ever since I started studying psychology...if I didn't need to get out and get a job, I'd probably continue on and get my doctorate.
53. I am a conservative Republican and enjoy discussing and learning about politics.
54. I absolutely love sushi.
55. I will only eat bananas if they are in really cold milk/in my cereal, weird I know.
56. I have seen most of Alfred Hitchcock's movies.
57. Chocolate is one of my weaknesses, especially dark chocolate.
58. If I could, one day I would have a craftsman style house on lots of acreage with horses.
59. I have a dream of incorporating animals in my therapy.
60. My sister and I once were in the local paper for finding a balloon in Huntsville that had been sent from some kids at a school in Texas.
61. I have had the same cell phone number since I was 15.
62. I love the Fall because of the cool weather and the beautiful leaves.
63. Going to the mountains to stay in a cabin is my idea of vacation.
64. Because my husband doesn't want to go, I'm going to take a girls' trip to Italy one day.
65. I really like to shop in Ann Taylor Loft and J.Crew when I have money.
66. Otherwise, Target, Old Navy, and the sale racks are my go-to.
67. I listen to Rick & Bubba on the radio whenever I can get their station.
68. I also regularly listen to Sean Hannity and Neil Bortz.
69. I could analyze a situation forever, especially with my friend Erin.
70. I could watch the Bourne movies over and over.
71. I have helped build an adobe home for a pastor in Mexico.
72. I used to wear boy's clothes in middle school.
73. I hate roses but love lots of other flowers - peonies, tulips, lillies, and my favorite, hydrangea.
74. I enjoy looking at old plantation style houses and old traditional, well-kept downtowns.
75. I am in love with TiVO. I love that you can watch what you want when you want and don't have to be at the mercy of whatever's on when you're available to watch.
76. I find lots of good deals on ebay.
77. My husband and I will celebrate our 2nd anniversary in May.
78. For our first anniversary, we took a nice trip to Savannah.
79. We must be rednecks because we pulled a 4-wheeler on a trailer to our honeymoon.
80. We also moved all our stuff from GA to TN in a 33 foot horse trailer.
81. I worked as a fill-in secretary for the church we went to in GA, and I really enjoyed it.
82. My favorite salad dressing is Fat Free poppyseed.
83. I am so blessed to have a husband (and parents) who support(s) me emotionally and financially in order for me to pursue my dream.
84. I hated the movie I AM Legend, and I usually like Will Smith a lot, like in Hitch and The Pursuit of Happyness.
85. I have a bad habit of biting my fingernails.
86. I like wild game more than chicken and beef.
87. I hate being hot, so I freeze my poor husband because I keep the thermostat on 65 to 68.
88. I used to dream about being the First Lady and living in the White House.
89. When I wasn't dreaming about that, I was dreaming about becoming a judge or somehow involved in politics.
90. My dad and I talk theology a lot, and I enjoy reading about and discussing theological issues.
91. Kevin James is one of the few comedians that can make me laugh out loud hysterically.
92. I love to sleep, so when I can sleep in, I do.
93. A really strange thing about me is that I have a horrible vocabulary despite how much I read.
94. Therefore, I use the thesarus constantly when I'm writing papers.
95. I have had the same purse by Nine West for about 10 years, and it's just now wearing out.
96. I still get compliments on the aforementioned purse.
97. I've had my ears pierced since I was in elementary school, but haven't worn earrings in years besides at prom and at my wedding.
98. I am a channel flipper when it comes to the radio, but I can't stand channel flipping on the T.V.
99. More likely than not, you'll find my T.V. on Food Network or HGTV.
100. I love to cook unless it's something too complicated.

Whew, that took forever!


LB said...

Lindsay, I LOVED reading this and getting to know all of this new stuff about you!! I am loving this 100 facts thing. By the way, we have so much in common. These numbers could also be on my 100--
39, 43, 46, 51, 52, 62, 66, 69, 74,
87, 99, and 100. Crazy.

By the way, count me in on the girl's Italy trip, and I will gladly analyze situations the whole time we are there:)

Lindsay said...

That's cool LB. I wish we could hang out more often! Can't wait to read your 100!

Scott said...

Awesome. Thanks for playing along. That wasn’t so bad was it?

#6. I had no idea
#12 You are very welcome
#39 I remember that time we has Wednesday night church out at Rocky Frazier's and you ate that candy bar that unknowingly had peanuts in it. You almost started seizing and I believe Greg had to quit speaking. I am glad you are ok now.
#91 The dance he does in Hitch... "the Q-tip", cracks me up every time I see it.

I can’t believe you didn’t mention you uncontrollable fear of cops?

Amanda said...

I agree with LB...girls trip to Italy! I loved reading your 100!

Anonymous said...

Lins, I loved reading this list and realizing that I already knew almost everything on it! I'm so grateful that I have been able to know you so well for 13 years! I thank God for you every day! Now for some individual comments:
16. It was my pink shirt. And you did not look horrible in it.
32. Thanks in huge part to you!!
59. PetSmart has a program for companions for Meals on Wheels clients. Close. :)
101. Glad Scott mentioned that. My friend Erin is dating a cop and I told her about that the other day!

102. Your middle name. :)

Love you soo much Boo!
79. Haha! You stole my line! ;)