Monday, May 12, 2008

Bittersweet Weekend

We went to our old hometown, Perry, to take back the cattle trailer we borrowed and to visit some dear friends. It was so great to see Clint and Alison and their precious children, Tanner and Taylor.

This family was definitely one of the hardest things to leave. We had such a fun weeekend. Alison, Taylor, and I got pedicures and went shopping. Check out how precious she is.

Joey and Tanner washed our truck and Tanner's John Deere "gator."
We also got to go to a dinner theater put on by the youth group at our old church to raise money for their mission trips this summer. It was hilarious. They basically did a roast of the church staff by putting on skits of all their little quirks, very funny! We went back to our old church and Bible study class. Boy, do we miss that so much. I know God's got a place and a plan for us up here, but I've never felt this connected to a church body before. I've only been a member of two churches my entire life and was very involved in both. I guess because this is the first church that Joey and I attended as husband and wife and were led there together, not to mention all the wonderful couples we met there and the amazing Godly staff, it has been very hard not to compare churches we've been visiting to it. So it was great to see our friends and get to savor another worship service with our church family, but it also kinda reopened a wound by having to leave again. So please pray for us that God will show us the church family here that he wants us to join, and on another note please pray for me as I start seeing clients in a week. It's pretty scary to think that people will be coming to me expecting me to know what I'm doing. And I do in theory, but experience is huge. So pray that I will be filled with the Holy Spirit, and that He will be the one in that room with those clients, not me.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh gosh I definitely remember how hard it was to leave our church in Auburn. Probably what we miss more than anything still. The Lord will provide. He has called you to TN he will provide what you need. On the client note, I remember how scary that is. You may feel like you totally stink at counseling but remember that what you think a client needs may not be what they actually need. Sometimes people just need someone to talk to and to care. Good luck!