A friend of mine wrote this, and I wanted to share it because I feel exactly the same way about making sure you know the facts and are an educated voter. And by the way, if you don't vote, you have no right to complain.
Tonight is a sad night for America. Actually it has been a sad period in America for a while now. I have been following very closely the fiasco that has been the race for the Democratic nomination for President. In one aspect it is a relief to know that Sen. Clinton has no chance to become President. America could not have handled the disaster of another Clinton in the White House. We are still paying so heavily from the damage done the first time around. But on the other hand, the alternative is even more nerve racking. What does it say about the state of the Democratic party when their strongest nomination for the highest office in the world is a man who is an extremely inexperienced Jr. Senator, whose record is shaky at best? And that is being optimistic. A leader who is so crooked he has changed a recorded vote in the Senate on 7 occasions!!! On all seven of these occasions the vote was on heavily lobbied issues where Mr. Obama was playing both sides of the isle. It is rare for a Senator to “take back” or change a role called vote on more than an occasion where there was an accidental entry of a vote. Yet Mr. Oboma has done it seven times with less time in the Senate than a third grader has had in the educational system! And this is the person that the democrats have decided to put forward. A man who has already said one of his first acts will be to surrender to our enemy in a time of war. An act that will not only embarrass America, but will give an extreme moral victory to a terrorist enemy and show that America does not have the stomach to continue a fight when punched in the nose, that with democrats in control we can be defeated. An act that will put you, me, and our children in physical danger and invite and encourage future attacks on America. They have nominated a man that is so naïve as to believe that he can negotiate and befriend dictators such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez, Bashar al-Assad. Men who have dedicated their entire lives to the destruction of America. The democratic party has nominated a man who will crawl in bed with these men before taking a stand against them. A man who does not have the backbone to stand against the unpopular, but will bend to take the easy and popular route instead of what is best for our country. Whose extremely limited, short voting record is evidence of this. A man who has yet to clarify anything other than he plans “change”, but has no vision at all on how to accomplish this. A man with no plan. A man who has mentors such as the Jermiah Right. I refuse to include his title of Rev. because such a racist fanatic does not deserve such an Honor. A man who waited months to separate himself from the psychotic ramblings of this man, and then did so with only weak and ambiguous statements. The kind of statements that this nominee is becoming so well known for. Lots of flowery rhetoric, lots of words of false hope, with no substance at all. It makes as much sense to give a four year old who has yet to learn to ride a bicycle, the keys to an SUV as it does to give this man control of our country.
Just look at the bitter remarks that have come from Senator Clinton and her supporters within his own party. When you have a party tearing itself apart in this manner, you cannot expect them to effectively run the country. People like to attack President Bush and assign so much blame to him on things that are beyond his control. And while it must be flattering to him that these individuals believe that he has so much individual power, however ridiculous this assumption, it is impossible. One example is the gas prices. I have seen the popular smear bumper sticker going around that says “When Bush took office, gas was $1.29.” Fair enough, but it is extremely interesting that with the exception of the natural price spikes after hurricane Katrina, prices did not skyrocket until after the democrats took control of the House and Senate!!!!! Wow, amazing when you bring facts into play how the picture changes. This is only one small example of the spin that so many buy into. And unfortunately too many Americans have fallen for the smoke and mirrors like this that come from Sen. Obama’s mouth on a daily basis. It is hard for me to comprehend that no matter how poorly you think that the current President and his party have performed, that you could possibly consider putting this man into office. But in this day, Americans are so concerned about political correctness and voting with their emotions that facts, records, military service, leadership experience, and so many things are set aside. And America is going to suffer. It will be hard falling asleep tonight knowing that there are so many people easily fooled that have the power to vote, and someone like this may be making the decisions that affect our welfare and safety. Please, do your research. Put aside party affiliations and look at the facts and records of the two men who apparently will vie for the most powerful office in the world. Then vote, and keep this man away from the White House.
-Tony Hathcock
1 comment:
AMEN!!! I wish more people would realize this!
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