We had been approved by a couple of rescues and were waiting on them to find the right dog for us, but I ran across this girl on PetFinder. She was at a kill shelter and had been there a while, so I thought we should truly "rescue" her since the dogs from rescue organizations are actually in foster homes, not on death row. She's a sweetie. We went staight to the vet to get all the medicine she needed, and she's been sweet to every person she meets. Not so for Ty though. She's usually fine around him and was the whole drive home, but as soon as she got comfortable here, some things trigger her and she has started trying to be dominant over him. They got into a little fight that I broke up, and unfortunately she bit me by mistake. Neither she nor Ty have gotten hurt, and she really didn't break my skin much, just bruised me. So we're still working with her so that she knows that Ty is safe and that we're the dominant ones. But it'll get there with patience and consistency.
We took forever finding a name for her. Joey and I have never had female dogs, so it was really hard for us to think of one. He liked Harley, I thought that was too boyish. I liked Darcy or Ginger, he thought those were bad. So we finally settled on Maggie. She has a sweet face like a Maggie, plus that was the name of the female boxer in the movie Million Dollar Baby.
I feel like Rocky's smiling down on us because we saved a doggie's life, so it really makes the grief and sadness a little easier to bear.
Happy New Year to everybody!