Monday, August 22, 2011

Full Term!

So we're 37 weeks and full term!!

Doc said he's dropped even more! So much so that he had to move his head to examine me! Started dilating too! Contractions are making themselves known but not with any regularity. Sorry for the TMI to any of you that can't handle that kind of talk :)

Hopefully John Marshall will be here soon!


Heather Taylor said...

Come on John Marshall, we are all so ready to meet you!

Ashley Turnbull said...

So exciting! You are CLOSE. Hang in there - it's going to be such a fabulous ride! Thinking of you guys!!!

Amanda said...

Exciting! You are so close! Are you delivering at Huntsville or Crestwood?

Lindsay said...

Amanda, I'll be at Huntsville. Crestwood was out of our insurance network :(