Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rocky Update

Well, I thought I'd update y'all on Rocky and bring somewhat of good news. He had his first chemo treatment on Monday. He couldn't get the strongest does because his white blood count was too low (oddly because lymphoma actually means an overproduction of white cells, but the vet thinks maybe it was suppressing his bone marrow somehow). Anyway, today he has been a very different dog than he has been the past couple of days. He's doing his happy boxer prancing and wiggling that we're used to and got lots of exercise walking around outside. This makes me think that his white cells have come up, giving him some more energy. He has an apointment on Thursday to check his blood counts and see if they're up enough to start the higher dose of chemo. They'll also do an X-ray of his hips because he's been really favoring them lately. We originally thought he had torn ligaments in his knees, but the vet really thinks it's his hips. We're hoping that it has somethin to do with the cancer and will get better with the chemo (which he was definitely acting like they didn't bother him as much today) and that it's not hip dysplasia. So that's what's going on for now. I'm just happy to see him somewhat back to his old self. I definitely know now that we do not want to see him get to the place he has been the past couple of days. We'd be willing to let him go at that point, long before he gets physically sick because he is miserable when he has no energy and is in too much pain to prance and shake. Please just keep us in your prayers, that we'll always do what's best for him and not just think of what we want.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Hey Linds, I meant to say something on your first post about Rocky, but kept forgetting. I'm glad to hear that he was prancing and wiggling. That is a good sign. That's what I started doing when I got to feeling better after The Sickness.

I hope he continues getting better. Keep us updated with his progress.