Thursday, September 4, 2008

To him, innovation....To me, just redneck

Joey has always been loyal to Justin boots because they last forever no matter how hard he is on them or how often he wears them. Justin started being manufactured in China, though, so Joey has tried several other brands to try to find something that lives up to the quality of the old Justins. Well, the most recent try has been with Rocky boots. They very quickly began wearing, even causing holes in his socks. Well, finally the other day, the sole was completely hanging off on one side. So, what was Joey's solution to not spending another ridiculous amount of money on new boots?

Glue the sole back on with some kind of locktite stuff. The directions say to put pressure on it for 90 minutes. This was his way of putting pressure on it.

1 comment:

Heather Taylor said...

You've gotta love Joey's wonderful ideas!