Thursday, August 28, 2008

House or Shop?

This is what has been going on this week at our house (in the midst of the leftovers from Tropical Storm Fay), a little rain doesn't stop the Taylors:

One of Joey's friends asked him where he was going to put his bed. He has a mini fridge, microwave, coffee maker, and mini TV to put in there, why not a bed, right?


Anonymous said...

What's he gonna do with that when ya'll move?

Lindsay said...

We'll have to sell it with the'll add some value.

Heather Taylor said...

Oh my goodness!! I didn't realize it was so big!!! Looks like they got a lot done.

Anonymous said...

Thats what I asked Wally when his was built. If he had a bed he could just stay out there. deb