Well, I always thought my dogs had it so great. And I still think they do...
The boys sleeping on our bed with their Daddy.
We bought Ty a bed because we didn't think we'd be able to handle sharing our bed with two dogs, especially when Ty becomes a massive 90 pounds. Well, Rocky decided that he likes Ty's bed, knowing full well that if we had bought him a bed he wouldn't touch it. So, yes our dogs sleep in our bed or have their own.
Our dogs also get to share our food with us. This is their ritual with Joey - sharing Vienna sausages. Granted, I wouldn't consider them a priviledge to eat, but Joey and the dogs sure do.
So, yes, my dogs get all that and more, but these horses that I saw in Shelbyville, TN (at the TN Walking Horse Celebration where they crown the world champion every year) had the most decked out stables I've ever seen just for one week out of the year. Some of these people actually bricked them up or stuccoed them and spent who knows how much on landscaping!
So maybe the new saying should be "a horse's life" instead of "a dog's life."
You can't beat a Vienna Sausage on a Ritz cracker topped off with some hot sauce.
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