Friday, May 20, 2011


Any of you moms out there have horrific heartburn when you were pregnant? It is literally making me sick! The dr. said they might could call me something in, but I'd rather not take a prescription if possible. Any suggestions? I've tried all the OTC antacids - they used to work, but have quit. And it seems to do it with anything I eat or drink!


LB said...

Yes!! I was so sick with John. I even took a prescription but it didn't help. The main thing that helped me was not eating @ night and waiting a LONG time to lie down after eating. The good news? Little Marshall will probably have lots of hair!!

Lindsay said...

Oh no! I hope a prescription will help! I mean 4 more months of this?? Ahh! I can tell that it's worse at night, so I will definitely try eating early and making sure I don't eat anything else afterward. And, LB, I hope it's RED curly hair like Ada's!!

Amanda said...

My friend has it every time with all her pregnancies and she gets the prescription nexium. I understand not wanting to take a prescription, i'm the same way. But she has had 4 children and they are all wonderfully smart kiddos! I have heartburn a little but nothing a tums can't take care of. I'm so sorry you are having it so rough.