Some things to record about 9 months:
70th percentile in height and only 11th in weight, skinny little boy haha!
But it's not due to lack of eating - eats 6 oz formula at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime, and 1 jar of babyfood plus oatmeal and some yogurt for breakfast, 1.5 to 2 jars of babyfood plus turkey or cheese at lunch and dinner and some puffs in between!
And that formula is all in sippy cups! He's off the bottle. Wasn't difficult for this boy who never got comfort from sucking a paci or bottle at all.
Schedule still about the same, but seems to be able to stay awake a little longer between sleep without getting too fussy. And this booger is doing so much better with sleep and teething this go round. The two teeth on bottom are totally out and he has two eye teeth on top coming in. Will wake up early some mornings with it, but not too bad for the most part.
Still would rather be outside than anywhere else, specifically swinging with somebody.
Has added da-da, me-me (which mom loves!) and na-na (which Joey's mom loves!), and hard g's to his sounds/vocab, and loves to scream them one after another. I think he now knows who MaMa and MeMe are. Knows light - points to it and whispers ba.
Added the "roll 'em up" part to his patty-caking.
Gives "kisses."
Runs around like a crazy person in his walker all over the house. Still only army crawls, but is pulling up (only on people though) to knees then standing. Prefers to walk around holding someone's hands (ALL the time) than to cruise on furniture. Has taken a few running steps between two people. He has no fear at all - will just let go and try to walk by himself.
Snuggles (holding onto with his face pressed in) with his bumper pads. So much so that he sleeps horribly in a pack and play or rented crib without blankets wadded up around the edge.
Favorite toy - ball of any kind. Favorite books - Sleep All Day Play All Night, Bubbles, and Chick-Chick. Favorite food - carrots and squash, peaches and pumpkin
Love, love, love this little man. Feel so blessed that God is letting us be his parents!
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