Weighs 14 lbs. and 10 oz. (32nd percentile) and is 26 in. long (75th percentile)
Wears 6 month or 3-6 month clothes
Eats 5 to 6 oz 5x's a day (we'll probably start solids soon)
Sleeps 11 hours at night
On a good day takes two 1.5 hr. naps and one 45 min - 1 hr. nap (on other days, it's give or take one or two of those)
EXTREMELY active - scoots his bouncy seat across the living room by kicking (sometimes for an hour at a time!)
Mostly screams now to talk instead of cooing
Can roll over from tummy to back and vice versa on soft surfaces like the couch (can only get on his side on hard surfaces)
LOVES talking to and playing with his Daddy, smiles as soon as he sees him
Plays in his bouncy seat (likes this the most), his Johnny Jump Up, and his jumperoo
Favorite books - Fluffy Chick (with the crinkle pages) and Green Eggs and Ham
He's such a sweet, fun little guy. We feel so blessed!
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