Today marks 3 months for our little Marshall (aka Martian). Some milestones:
with his buddy, Carter Jones Cameron
"reading" his book
eating 5 oz. 3xs a day and 6.5/7 oz in the morning and at bedtime
sleeping 10.5 hours at night (and we usually have to wake him up in the morning)
until the past few days was still struggling with 30 minute naps, but we may have figured this one out (letting him stay up longer between naps and get really tired and he transitions through the 30 minutes easier), so lately he's been taking 3 hour to hour and a half naps during the day.
must be VERY entertained during wake times! He is extremely active like his Daddy!
only fussy when getting sleepy, really hungry, or BORED!
can roll over from tummy to back, haven't quite mastered back to tummy (can get on his side but can't quite make it)
coos but mostly "hoots" haha! Smiles and laughs a lot, especially at Daddy!
grabs a lot - his books, toys, bottle, etc.
wears 3 month, 3-6 months, or 0-3 months (depending on the brand)
uses his left hand a TON! (not sure if this is developmentally appropriate or we have a problem lol)
We love our little man, and are really getting to enjoy him since he's no longer screaming from fatigue!
Will uses his left hand too! I wouldn't worry about it.
Amanda, I actually talked to Dr. Chupp about it today - he said his muscle on the other side of his neck actually was starting to shorten because of the excess use of the other hand and only sleeping on that side, so we're having to purposefully make him use his right hand and put a roll under him to make him sleep on the other side :(
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