Thursday, October 16, 2008

Huntin' Dogs

Joey finally got squirrel #13 which he has been after for several months. Rocky has always loved it when Joey pulls out his .22 because that means he gets to grab the squirrel when it drops to the ground. He's very good, though, about giving it up when we make him. Well, as Joey was taking the squirrel away from Rocky, Ty (who had not yet seen a live, well recently dead squirrel) immediately snatched it out of Joey's hands and ran off with it.

It took Joey a long while to get that squirrel from Ty. I never knew Boxers were a hunting breed, but I guess a little bit is in them all.


Amanda said...

That is funny and gross all at the same time. Well done Ty!

Heather Taylor said...

How funny!!