Monday, December 29, 2008

The Uncle Joey Face

Well, Caiden decided over Christmas that he either doesn't like his Uncle Joey or thinks it's really fun to look at him like he doesn't. I doubt he doesn't like him, but it was definitely funny that EVERY time we would mention "Uncle Joey" or Joey would look at Caiden, he would make the same face....

Thought these were cute too...

He decided, all by himself, to do this in his play pen...

And I think this is so funny that he shows his teeth when he smiles; he looks like a little bunny rabbit!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas in G'ville

Christmas was extra special this year because it was my nephew's first. Even though he enjoyed the wrapping paper and ribbons more than his presents it was still very cute!

His favorite present was definitely his wagon. Now who do you think asked Santa for it to be an all terrain one?

Joey was also a happy boy Christmas day.

But I think my brother-in-law Mike was the happiest.

Mom always gets the boys some kind of toy. Last year, it was marshmallow guns. This year....

remote control helicopters.

Even Rocky and Ty got in on the Christmas fun.

But in all the gift giving, we were reminded of the Ultimate gift God gave us - sending His Son to become like us and give His life for us. Thank you Jesus!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

God's Sovereignty

I was very much reminded of God's complete sovereignty yesterday and hope to continue to use my experience as a reminder. I debated whether or not to post these pictures because I didn't want to be dramatic or trying to get attention, but I was convicted that I need to be using this experience to honor God. Therefore, know as a preface to reading this that this is all for HIS attention, and not mine. I was very much reminded of God's complete sovereignty yesterday and hope to continue to use my experience as a reminder.

As I was standing on the side of the road, looking at this and taking these pictures, (but more so when my husband got home and I got to hug him) I realized how miraculous it is that I am alive and even more so, that I was not even injured. I literally crawled out of that driver's seat with nothing but scrapes, bruises, soreness, and sticky coke-glass-filled hair. To me, that is a huge testimony that God still has things for me to do here on this earth. I know we can never truly know why God in His sovereignty allows some of us to survive and some of us not, but I do know that the only way I am typing this today is because He has a plan. I may not understand in my finite mind why I survived that crash yet several of my other dear friends are no longer with us, but I will say that I am so thankful that God knows and that He gave me another oportunity to share His amazing soveriegnty, grace, and mercy with others. Any of you who are Christians reading this, please consider every day you have as a blessing and take every oportunity you are given to share about you're amazing life in Christ. I type this knowing that in our sinful nature, it is very likely that I will be tempted to let this passion for living in the moment fade away, so please hold me accountable to that. If you are reading this and are not a Christian, I challenge you to explore your questions but know that we may never get those answers, just also know that in these passing days which we are never guaranteed, Christ is the only one can give us hope in a hopeless, scary, and depressing world. He is worth not knowing the answers.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Blogger Tour of Homes

I was tagged by a fellow blogger to post my Christmas decorations so that we could all "tour" eachother's homes for Christmas. I think it's a great idea, so I thought I'd participate.

Hope to see others!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Can Things Ever Be Simple?

So we had this ugly brass and stainless tub and shower faucet. Sorry I don't have a picture to show it in all it's glory. So we thought in all the other upgrades we were doing, we'd get an oil rubbed bronze one to match the towel bars and sink faucet we had gotten. First of all, the oil rubbed bronze finish is ridiculously more expensive than any other, but after much searching and determination I found a tub and shower faucet for $55 on ebay as opposed to the $200 ones in stores (ebay is the best thing ever for remodeling)! Well, lesson number one: order the same brand faucet as the one that is already installed even if it comes with the valves. The valve that came with the one we bought was too big to fit in the hole, so no big deal, we'll cut A hole in the wall to get to it, patch it up and be done.

Lesson number two: either we have bad luck, or things are never that simple. We tested the faucet, and it kept stopping up, so Joey tried to do it by himself, bless his heart - go under the house, turn off the water to the tub, clean out the sawdust in the pipe (sawdust was from having to drill a hole in the stud for the valve to fit), going back under the house to turn back on the water, and then testing the faucet again. Over, and over. So he finally asked me to help. So I sat under the house, walkie talkie in hand, facing one of my biggest fears - that I might see a rat- waiting for Joey to tell me to turn on or off the water. Finally Joey got all the sawdust cleaned out, and the tub faucet worked. Next, (lesson number two continues) Joey takes off the old shower head and pipe and puts the new one in. Thinking, "whew, we're done," Joey takes a shower. Well, then we see our carpet in the bedroom behind the wall of the shower is soaked as well as some of the sheetrock. So Joey, bless his heart again, finds out the pipe for the shower head broke when he was having to keep twisting it so that it would quit leaking. Therefore, hole #2.

Thankfully, it is finally finished AND works. I don't think Joey thinks it was worth it, but man that old faucet was ugly and didn't match any of the new stuff. Oh well, just the glories of being a homeowner, right?